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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  September 24, 2010 3:30am-4:00am PST

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stuck in space. three space station crew members stuck in orbit because their landing craft won't undock. woman executed. a woman convicted in a double murder is put to death in virginia, the first woman executed in the u.s. in five years. and flood evacuations. torrential rains trigger flood emergencies and evacuations in wisconsin and minnesota. this is the "cbs morning news" for friday, september 24th, 2010. good morning, everyone. good to see you. i'm terrell brown in for betty nguyen this morning.
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a u.s. astronaut and two russian cosmonauts will try again today to return to earth, in orbit more than six months aboard the international space station. ground controllers have to figure out what went wrong yesterday. clamps holding the space capsule to the station failed to open. cbs news space consultant bill harwood was at the kennedy space center as this drama unfolded. >> reporter: this was a very unusual problem, unprecedented glitch the normally reliable docking mechanism on the space station, a russian mechanism with hooks and latches designed to release on command to let the craft free to come back to earth. they tried to do that and were unable to get the system to respond. the hooks and latches simply didn't open. they spent about three hours trying to trouble shoot the problem. an astronaut inside the space station looked at the mechanism from the station side and found a very small gear with some apparently damaged teeth floating out of that mechanism that may or may not be related to this problem. but, at the end of the day, russian flight controllers decided they simply didn't have
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enough time to make another attempt and called off the reentry and landing for at least 24 hours. what that means is that departing space station commander skvortsov and the flight engineer and nasa astronaut tracy coldwell dison will spend another day in space pushing their total in space before they get back to earth. the crew was never in danger in all of this but it raises a point everyone should keep in mind. the space station has two soyuz capsules on board at all times to give all six crew members to get off if there is an emergency. obviously a problem that would hang up a souyez so it can't depart is a potential threat if the station encounters a very serious problem forcing an immediate evacuation. now to the execution of teresa lewis, the first woman put to death in this country in five years.
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lewis died by injection shortly after 9:00 at a virginia prison last night. it's been almost eight years since the murders of her husband and son. lewis was convicted of arranging the killings to cash in on a quarter million dollar life insurance policy. a witness from our station in richmond says when lewis entered the execution chamber, she asked if her husband's daughter kathy was there. >> well, i want kathy to know that i love you and i'm very sorry. >> protesters learned later the execution was carried out. at the united nations today, president obama will take talks on preventing new violence in sudan and host a luncheon from leaders from southeast asia following his address to the u.n. general assembly yesterday that focused on the mid east peace process. manuel gal lays go reports. >> reporter: the president is calling on world leaders to step up and lend a hand to the middle east peace process. >> peace must be made by israelis and palestinians, but each of us has responsibility to
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do our part as well. >> reporter: president obama said u.s.-led negotiations can produce results if the international community sets aside decades of division and pessimism. >> when we come back here next year, we can have an agreement that will lead to a new member of the united nations, an independent, sovereign state of palestine living in peace with israel. >> reporter: the hall welcomed those words with applause. though israel's seats empty because of a jewish holiday. during his second speech to the u.n. general assembly, president obama was able to highlight progress on other weighty global issues. working with other nations, the president said the u.s. is waging a more effective war against terrorism and securing nuclear weapons telling iran it must obey international law. >> the iranian government must demonstrate a clear and credible commitment and confirm to the world the peaceful intent of its nuclear program. >> reporter: the iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad pushed back saying no nation should have nuclear weapons.
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>> translator: i would like here to propose that the year 2011 be proclaimed the year of nuclear disarmament. >> reporter: u.s. delegates left the hall, as did many others after ahmadinejad suggested the 9/11 terror attacks were the work of the u.s. government. the vote extending tax cuts that expire at the end of the year has been put on hold. senate democratic leaders have decided to wait until after the november elections. majority leader harry reid blames republicans for refusing to accept the democrats' plan. it would extend bush-era tax cuts for the middle class and let them expire for the wealthy. keeping all the bush tax cuts including those for the richest americans is a key part of the republicans' new campaign manifesto. they call it their pledge to america. nancy cordes has more. >> reporter: republicans unveiled their pledge at a hardware store in northern virginia. >> we're here today to put forth a new governing agenda. >> reporter: among the top
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priorities repealing the obama health care law, rolling back government spending to 2008 levels and extending the bush tax cuts. >> this is a counter with -- contract with americans. . >> reporter: it's a clear homage to the contract with america which republicans released in 1994, the last time they took over congress. in a nod to the tea party, a growing force on the right, the pledge is littered with references to the constitution and promises to reduce the federal debt. grateful tea party members even presented the minority leader with a teapot. but democrats slammed the pledge calling it recycled rhetoric from the bush years. >> the american people deserve to hear a real plan for moving america forward, not an election year gimmick filled with hyperbly and tired old failed ideas. >> reporter: even if republicans take control of the house, enacting any part of this agenda will be difficult because democrats will still control the white house and most likely the senate. nancy cordes, cbs news, capitol
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hill. governors in wisconsin and minnesota issued emergency declarations for parts of their states because of flooding. up to 1500 people were told to evacuate downtown arcadia, wisconsin. floodwaters there are three feet high. a day of heavy downpours caused rivers to overflow. some homes were also evacuated in minnesota as floodwaters rose. some roads have been washed out. doctors warn parents not to panic about the recall of the popular baby formula similac. the maker is also saying it is unlikely children have consumed any formula containing insect parts. but, with five million cans of similac being recalled. some families say they did buy and use tainted formula. tara mergener is in washington with more on that. tara, good morning to you. >> good morning, terrell. similac is a top selling infant formula but last week bugs were found near a production line. the company says it is being bombarded with calls from concerned parents. the latest recall of similac
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baby formula has parents across the country worried sick. >> it made me naigs, like it seriously made me nauseous. >> reporter: three days ago angela mitchell was making a bottle for her four and a half-month-old son seth when she said se spotted something black floating at the top. >> i stuck my finger in to get it out and it's an actual bug piece, like an insect piece. >> reporter: she discovered the formula she used over two weeks was one of the five million recently recalled. the maker, abbott laboratories, voluntarily yanked the product wednesday, after beetles were found in some cans and at a michigan plant. the company says it's highly unlikely any of the products already sold are contaminated. still, parents have bombarded its website and hotline demanding answers. federal officials insist the tainted formula poses no serious health risk. still, babies who drink it could develop digestive discomfort. >> they really shouldn't worry that much but since it is a
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voluntary recall they should stop giving those products that have been recalled to their children. >> reporter: but for angela, it's too late. she worries her son's recent symptoms are actually a sign of contamination. >> over the last couple of weeks, just really gassy and really, you know, crying and frustrated. i thought it was maybe because we switched to soy. honestly, i couldn't tell you what it is from. >> reporter: abbott industries says recalled products should be returned for a full refund. again, the powdered formula that is in question. parents are told to use the liquid formula, which is not part of the recall. terrell, back to you. >> tara mergerner in washington, thanks for that good advice. appreciate it. the fda is imposing tough new restrictions on the once popular diabetes drug avandia linked to an increased risk of heart attack. the fda says doctors must document patients have tried other diabetes medications before giving them avandia and must warn patients of the risks. just ahead on the "morning
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news" we'll check the markets overseas plus freed hiker sarah shourd talks for the first time about her time in prison in iraq. this is the "cbs morning news." "cbs morning news." [ male announcer ] the new subway flatbread breakfast sandwiches! like the new double bacon & cheese omelet sandwich! they're all new. toasty, tasty, and made to your order. so come and build your better breakfast today, at subway! ♪ [ female announcer ] we've got stains, down to a science. new wisk, with our breakthrough stain spectrum technology targets all the major stain groups like proteins, carbohydrates and oils. its enzymes and cleaning agents tackle a full range of stains. you'll never look at stains the same way again. for a more powerful clean, try new wisk. fight stains with science.
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sarah shourd wants to meet with the iran president, held in iran more than 13 months she says she wants to see mahmoud ahmadinejad while he's still in york and talk about freedom for the other u.s. hikers. shourd says her days in prison were spent in cramped quarters and she says she was also interrogated while blindfolded but will always remember when her boyfriend shane bauer proposed marriage. a mixed day for stocks in asia. ashley morrison is here in new york with more on that. good morning to you. >> good morning to you, terrell. markets back in business after taking a day off for the holiday. the nikkei shed nearly one percent while the hang seng saw a late-detail rally. on wall street, investors will be looking at the latest figures
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on newly constructed homes today. yesterday, the dow dropped 77 points while the nasdaq fell 7. meanwhile, sales of existing homes rebounded last month. sales of previously owned homes rose over 7.5% in august according to the national association of realtors. that's compared to a dismal showing in july, when home sales plunged nearly 30%. congress passed a measure to help small business owners. the house pass theed the bill yesterday. the $40 billion bill will ease credit and help small business owners expand and hire new workers. it is part of the jobs agenda president obama promoted last year. warren buffett disagrees with an economic panel that says the recession is over. buffett, one of the country's most successful investors says the nation will pull out of its economic slump but not for a while. an economic panel said technically, the recession ended more than a year ago. and good news if you plan to
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buy a flat-screen tv. prices for flat-screens are dropping just in time for holiday shoppers. a large oversupply of tvs is the reason. the market research firm display search reports prices could drop by 12% in the last three months of the year. so, if you can just hold off until december, terrell, i think you can get the biggest flat-screen you could possibly want. >> i was about to say, go get your tv. that's what that story means. ashley morrison here in new york, ashley, thank you so much. appreciate it. a quick break. straight ahead on your friday morning your weather forecast and in sports a new hitting record in major league baseball. be right back. ♪ i love my grandma.
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i love you grandma. grandma just makes me happy. ♪ to know, know, know you grandma is the bestest. the total package. grandpa's cooooooooool. way cool. ♪ grandpa spoils me rotten. ♪ to know, know, know you ♪ is to love... some people call us frick and frack. we do finger painting. this is how grandpa and i roll. ♪ and i do [ pins fall ] grandma's my best friend. my best friend ever. my best friend ever. ♪ [ laughing ] [ boy laughs ] ♪ to know, know, know you after this we're gonna get ice cream. can we go get some ice cream? yeah. ♪ and i do ♪ and i do ♪ and i do best deal this side of sunrise,
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so come in and we'll make yours! get a western egg white muffin melt and a 16-ounce cup of freshly brewed seattle's best coffee. just $2.50. build your better breakfast today at subway! here's a look at weather in some cities around the country. in new york, sunny and 86 today. miami, thunderstorms, 85. 86 were showers in chicago. sunny, 83 in denver. los angeles, sunny and 85. time for a check of the national forecast. the latest satellite picture shows a massive area of clouds covering the great lakes region and heading down into the southern plains. the northeast is under a few light clouds and the northwest has more rain clouds moving in from the pacific ocean. later on today, heavy rains are moving out of the northern plains going eastward but their next stop in the great lakes. the southeast could get an isolated late-day thunderstorm. the northwest, scattered showers and it will remain hot and humid in the south and cool and dry up in the north.
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in sports this morning, another batting record for ichiro suzuki. seattle's ichiro the first major league player to get 200 hits in ten straight seasons. if you remember pete rose also had ten but they weren't consecutive. and toronto's dave bautista hit his major league leading 50th home run. blue jays roll in this 1-0 over seattle. tampa bay came up with seven runs against the yankees in the sixth and beat new york 10-3. the victory moves the rays to only a half game behind the yanks in the american league east. in the national league san francisco's juan uribe hit two home runs in the same inning, including a grand slam against the cubs. the giants win 13-0 to win, puts them in first place in the western division standings. in college football, number 19 miami crushed pittsburgh. the hurricanes cory harris putting up two touchdown passes against the panthers. miami defeated pitt 31-3. when we come back on a
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friday morning, another look at this morning's top stories and education crisis. a powerful new documentary takes on the public school system. while i was building my friendships... my family... while i was building my life... my high cholesterol was contributing to plaque buildup in my arteries. that's why my doctor prescribed crestor. she said plaque buildup in arteries... is a real reason to lower cholesterol... and that, along with diet, crestor does more than lower bad cholesterol... it raises good. crestor is also proven to slow the buildup of plaque in arteries. crestor isn't for everyone, like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. you should tell your doctor about other medicines you are taking, or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. while you've been building your life, plaque may have been building in your arteries.
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ask your doctor if crestor can help and go to to get a free trial offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. the budget is 87 days overd. and now... governor schwarzenegger and top legislative leaders have red the *framework of an agreement... when they expeo reach a final agreement. an independent panel will investigate the cause of thn bruno blast. why they're looking into bacteria as a possible culprit. and entertainer eddie fishes died. join us for early edition ... beginning at fi. ,,,,
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on the "cbs morning news," here's a look at today's weather. a large storm system brought record breaking rain to the plains setting its sights on the great lakes today. and summer heat back in the northeast. several records could be broken. another look at the top stories on a friday morning. three space station crew members are stuck in orbit. they can't return to earth until ground controllers figure out how to free a soyuz capsule from docking clamps. and 41-year-old teresa lewis put to death in virginia, eight years after arranging the murders of her husband and son, the first woman executed in this country in five years.
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a new movie opens today called "waiting for superman" while you may think it is some type of fantasy, it is really a documentary that takes a hard look at public schools in this country. michelle miller reports. >> reporter: right from the start the new documentary "waiting for superman" has a point of view and doesn't hold back. >> you wake up every morning and you know that kids are getting a really crappy education right now. >> so, you think most of the kids are getting a crappy education right now. >> oh, i don't think they are. i know they are. >> reporter: a harsh and unflattering look at the state of public education in america. it follows these five kids, desperate to go to better schools, but with limited openings, their futures depend on luck. >> for these kids, their only chance at getting into a great school depends on whether their number is picked in a lottery. >> reporter: it could be the most talked about documentary since "an inconvenient truth" perhaps because they share the
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same director. the oscar winner, davis guggenhime, featuring jeffrey canada from harlem who has shown it is possible for great schools even in poor neighborhoods. this week the department of education announced grants to replicate his success in 20 more cities. >> i thought it was a little slanted because i think that there are a lot of great public schools. >> does anyone in your group think the status quo is working? >> no, not at all. >> reporter: they also agree on what's at stake. >> you know, i want to be a teacher. >> reporter: a child's future. >> i want to be a nurse. >> i want to be a doctor. >> reporter: michelle miller cbs news new york. a video singer katy perry taped for "sesame street" being kicked to the kucurb. yesterday. producers announced they would not air it after receiving complaints from parents.
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they overnight, she tweeted looks like my play date with elmo has been cut short. i'm a little hot here. this morning actress tom selleck and donnie walberg. i'm terrell brown. this is the "cbs morning news. ds of the shrimpers and fishermen, hotel or restaurant workers who lost their jobs to the spill. i'm iris cross. bp has taken full responsibility for the clean up in the gulf and that includes keeping you informed. our job is to listen and find ways to help. that means working with communities. restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and set up a $20 billion independently-run claims fund to cover lost income until people impacted can get back to work. and our efforts aren't coming at tax-payer expense. i know people are wondering-- now that the well is capped, is bp gonna meet its commitments?
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i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right.
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republican leaders republican leaders are fighting to extend across-the-board tax cuts for americans but the obama administration says that goes too far. cbs's katie couric talked about that with treasury secretary sympathy -- timothy geithner. >> i think we want to make sure that middle-class americans see these tax cuts extended and those tax go to 97% of working americans and 97% of small businesses. where we disagree, though, the republicans want to make permanent the tax cuts that go to the wealthiest 2% of americans. to do that would require us to go out and borrow $700 billion again to give tax cuts to the most fortunate 2% of americans and we think that's not a responsible use of taxpayer
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resource at a time when we face enormous challenges and we think if republicans want to do more to help the economy now, the best thing to do besides extending the middle-class tax cuts give stronger incentives in business to invest in america now. >> but you keep hammering home that 2% of the wealthiest americans. but tens of thousands of small businesses and other businesses in this country make $250,000 a year. aren't you going to be hurting them? >> if you look at the joint -- what the joint tax committee has said, 80% of those 2% of americans affected by this are people in businesses who make more than a million dollars a year. and again, what we're proposing, katie, is to restore those tax rates to the levels they were in the late '90s, which is a period we had remarkably strong economic growth. >> ten million jobs have been lost. many of them are never coming back. the unemployment rate is hovering around 9.6%. let me echo the sentiments of velma hart who spoke to the
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president earlier this week. is this, in fact, the new reality? >> i don't think -- >> no matter what policy is put in place, is that the way it is? >> oh, no, absolutely not. the fact unemployment today is close to 10% still, the fact that businesses are still quite uncertain about their future is just the legacy of the scars of the worst financial crisis since the great depression. it is just the result, the direct result, of the scars caused by that basic crisis. and because this crisis followed a time when we were living beyond our means as a country, it is going to take a while to grow out of this. >> you say the gop will ultimately be proud of t.a.r.p. and you give president bush credit but wasn't this the beginning, the seed of a massive anti-government, antibailout, anti-deficit movement that many people feel the obama administration has only made worse? >> well, you are absolutely right the spectre, the spectacle of us having to give and president bush had to take this burden on initially, the
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billions of dollars to the institutions that were part of the crisis was a huge cause of the anger that swept across the country. no american thought that was fair. nobody understood why it was necessary. but, it was absolutely necessary. as we mentioned earlier in the broadcast congress will not take up the issue of extending the bush era tax cuts until after the november elections. that is the "cbs morning news" this friday. hope to see you later for "the early show." i'm terrell brown. happy friday, everybody. i'm terrell brown. happy friday, everybody. have a great weekend! -- captions by vitac --
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your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. caption colorado, l.l.c. a breakthrough in the state budget stalemate. a final agreement could be near. a new theory in the cause of the sabr


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